The Kovnir Research Group

Research in our group is focused on exploring emergent and novel energy materials. Special attention is devoted to science of synthesis aiming at development on novel synthetic techniques to enable metastable and nonexistent compounds. We tackle multiple aspects of energy generation, conversion, and storage. We are interested but not limited to thermoelectric materials, water splitting catalysts, photovoltaics, superconductors, low-dimensional magnets, ion-conductors, and materials for neuromorphic computing. Understanding the structure-property relationship is a key to the rational design of such materials. Optimization of material's performance is achieved by tailoring composition, atomic arrangements and chemical bonding. Graduate and undergraduate students who join our group will be exposed to a variety of techniques for synthesis and characterization of solid state inorganic materials.

News and Events

North American Solid State Chemistry Conference, Ames IA, July 28-31, 2025

North American Solid State Chemistry Conference abstract submission is open.

3/3/25. Azhan received the Graduate and Professional Student Senate Teaching and Leadership Awards!

2/28/25. Joshua received the Trahanovsky Research Stipend for the Spring 2025. Congratulations!

2/28/25. Grant received the Hudson Research Stipend for the Spring 2025. Congratulations!

1/6/25. Eranga's and Georgiy's work with great collaborative team is accepted by Chem. Mater.

11/26/24. Welcome to new graduate student members, Travis and David!

11/4/24. We welcome Dr. Joe Race as Postdoctoral Fellow in our group!

9/24/24. Ernesto's paper was selected for Supplementary Cover by Chem. Mater.!

9/24/24. Joshua received Plagens Research Scholarship. Congratulations!

9/23/24. Victoria's paper on vacancies control is accepted to Inorg. Chem.!

8/24/24. Ernesto's paper with great collaborators is accepted to Chem. Mater.!

7/08/24. Arka's paper with theory support from Donadio group is accepted to ACS AMI!

7/2/24. Work lead by Kolen'ko's group from INL is accepted to Adv. Funct. Mater.!

6/24/24. Warm welcome to new graduate student Vivek who joined our group this summer!

5/26/24. Our recent Chem. Mater. paper selected as ACS Editors' Choice!

5/26/24. Bryan's and Arka's exp guided by ML from Mar's group is accepted to Chem. Mater.!

5/24/24. Theory-driven collaborative work on quantum dimers is accepted to JACS!

5/15/24. Emma received a Spedding Fellowship for research in STEM. Congrats!

5/10/24. Victoriya was named Knight-Hennessy Scholar at Stanford University!

4/30/24. Yao received the Joseph F. Nelson Graduate Scholarship. Congratulations!

4/11/24. Azhan received the 2024 Empowerment Award from the student government!

4/05/24. Grad studies of Victoria and Nethmi are supported by DOD NDSEG and NSF GRFP!

4/2/24. Phil's paper on Ba8Cu16As30 polymorphs is accepted to Chem. Mater.!

3/27/24. Yao's paper on Ag2Se thermoelectrics is accepted to JACS!

3/26/24. Gayatri was accepted to 2024 CAS Future Leaders Program!

3/25/24. Gayatri received the 2024 ACS DIC Young Investigator Award!

3/15/24. Arka's paper on semiconducting ThCr2Si2 phosphides is accepted to JMCA!

2/26/24. Hasan's contribution to great collaboration on novel Zintl PVs is accepted to Joule!

2/15/24. Emma and Joshua received Plagens Research Scholarships. Congratulations!

2/7/24. Azhan received University Teaching Excellence Award. Congratulations!

1/8/24. Seongyoung's paper on Fe2P polymorphism is accepted to Chem. Mater.!

12/28/23. Victoria is featured as one of 35 Voices of Materials Chemistry. Congratulations!

12/27/23. Eranga's paper on heteroleptic guest complexes is accepted to Inorg. Chem.!

10/16/23. Yao's paper on Se activation was promoted in Chemistry Views!

10/02/23. Andrew's and collaborators paper on Mg-Fe-B is accepted to npj Compt. Mater.!

9/28/23. A collaborative paper on prediction of La-Si-P phases is accepted to J. Mater. Chem. A!

9/25/23. Yao's paper on Se activation and selenides synthesis is accepted to JACS!

9/11/23. Georgiy's paper on high-entropy sulfides is accepted to Inorg. Chem. Front.!

9/10/23. Arka's and Gayatry's paper on novel chiral sulfide is accepted to ZAAC!

8/8/23. Kirill and Susan Kauzlarich contributed to roadmap on energy harvesting materials!

7/31/23. Victoria received LAS Dean's High Impact Award for Undergraduate Research!

6/18/23. Seongyoung's paper on NiSiP HER catalysts is accepted to Chem. Mater.!

6/15/23. A great collaborative work on boron monoxide structure is accepted to JACS.!

6/7/23. A collaborative work on 3-1-3 antimonides is accepted to Inorg. Chem.!

5/17/23. A collaborative work on 1-2-2 structure tuning is accepted to Chem. Mater.!

4/14/23. Proud to be faculty escort for LAS student marshal - Nethmi.

4/26/23. Shannon's paper on NLO arsenide material is accepted to J. Mater. Chem. A!

4/25/23. Kirill and Nethmi are advertized at LAS College headquarters.

4/08/23. Victoria received a Spedding Fellowship for research in STEM. Congrats!

3/24/23. Victoria received a national award, The Barry Goldwater Scholarship!

3/7/23. Viviana's (INL) and Arka's paper on nanothermoelectric PbSe is accepted to ACS AMI!

2/8/23. Daniel received Plagen scolarship to continue his undergraduate research.

2/1/23. Phil's paper on clathrates in collaboration wth Donadio group is accepted to JACS!

1/5/23. Welcome to new graduate students Hasan, Amina, Genevieva, Richeal, and Iyanu!

12/9/22. Results of a productive collaboration with excellent INL team are accepted to Mater.!

11/27/22. A trio of superheroes in a search of better thermoelectric materials.

11/11/22. A collaborative work on complex antimonides is accepted to Chem. Mater.!

10/15/22. A collaborative work on ML predictions of La-Si-P phases is accepted to Inorg. Chem.!

9/30/22. Julia and Kirill have been awarded the first grant from the Frontier Science Fund.

9/22/22. Dineshes paper on complex Bi-S-Br compound is accepted to Dalton!

9/15/22. Our collaborative paper on topotactic boride synthesis and OER is accepted to JMCA!

8/19/22. Ernesto is recognzied for Leadership in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect!

8/15/22. Many thanks to NSF CBET for supporting our research on Li-ion conductors!

8/12/22. A special issue of ZAAC dedicated to Mercoury Kanatzidis is out.

8/4/22. Mariana and Magally completed and presented their summer research!

8/1/22. Phil's collaborative paper with Javier Vela group is accepted to Chem. Mater.

7/22/22. We wish Professor Georgiy Akopov all the best at Rutgers-Newark.

7/18/22. Congratulations to Dr. Philip Yox who claimed the scariest pnictogen - arsenic!

6/28/22. We welcome ACS SEED student Magally Ramirez for a summer internship!

6/2/22. Phil's and Andrew's paper on encaging complex polycations is accepted to ChemComm.

6/1/22. Welcome to new SULI undergraduate student Mariana Milano-Benitez!

5/26/22. Eranga's paper on chiral mix-valent Fe-As-Se compound is accepted to JACS.

5/22/22. Colin's paper on layered hybrid Fe-S phases is accepted to Chem. Mater.

5/13/22. Proud to present two great scientists, Eranga and Phil, at commencement.

5/8/22. Together with Julia we are thrilled to be first recipients of ISU Frontier Science Fund.

4/27/22. Arka's paper on Ba-Cu-Ga-P clathrates is accepted to Appl. Phys. Lett.

4/25/22. Kirill received ISU Award for Mid-Career Achievement in Research!

4/21/22. Ernesto was named 2022 McNair Graduate Student Mentor of the Year!

4/20/22. Congratulations to Dr. Eranga Gamage who proudly claimed Se element!

4/15/22. Kirill is promoted to Professor. Thanks to all who contirbuted!

4/12/22. Nethmi received a Spedding Fellowship for research in STEM!

4/3/22. Georgiy's paper on chiral R-Cu-Ge sulfides is accepted to ZAAC!

3/28/22. Eranga's paper on Cr2Q2 dimers is accepted to Inorg. Chem.!

3/25/22. Nethmi received a national award, The Barry Goldwater Scholarship!

3/10/22. Nethmi received the Cardinal Key, the ISU highest honorary.

3/8/22. Victoria and Nethmi to join the oldest US academic honor society, Phi Beta Kappa.

3/8/22. Shannon received 2022 ACS DIC Young Investigator Award!

3/5/22. Nethmi and Victoria got accepted to REU programs at Northwestern and UPenn!

2/15/22. A collaborative paper on CuFe2Ge2 led by Michail Shatruk is accepted to Inorg. Chem.!

2/9/22. Kirill joined the Structural Science Proposal Review Panel at the Advanced Photon Source.

1/10/22. Georgiy's paper on PdS4 squares in chiral sulfides is accepted to J. Alloys. Comp.!

12/12/21. Welcome to new graduate students Andrew, Azhan, and Luke!

12/9/21. Farewell to Dinesh. Good luck in new research endeavours at Purdue.

12/7/21. Shannon's paper on chiral silicon phosphide is accepted to Chem. Europ. J.!

12/1/21. Jian's and Bryan's paper on layered antimonides is accepted to Inorg. Chem.!

11/17/21. Phil's paper on Ba-Au-As clathrate is accepted to Chem. Commun.!

11/9/21. Georgiy's paper on chiral and polar sulfides is on the Cover of Chem. Sci.!

11/8/21. Eranga's paper on Cr-S double cubes is accepted to Chem. Europ. J.!

10/4/21. Georgiy's's paper on novel complex NCS sulfides is accepted to Chem. Sci.!

10/4/21. Eranga received Drtina Travel Award to attend Midwest ACS meeting!

8/31/21. Kirill discussed research, students, and collaborations in an interview.

8/30/21. A team work with Korgel, Lebedev, and Kolen'ko, is accepted to J. Phys. Chem.C!

8/27/21. Victoria and Nethmi got accepted to DOE SULI research program!

8/2/21. Many thanks to NSF CMP, CCMT, and SSMC programs for supporting our EAGER project!

7/30/21. Eranga received poster award at North American Solid State Chemistry Conference!

7/1/21. Chem. Mater. Perspective on Predictive Synthesis! Skeptical grins are welcome.

6/3/21. Justin's paper on novel Li and Cs tetrel arsenides is accepted to Chem. Mater.!

4/23/21. Georgiy, Justin, and Gayatri's paper on LnSiP3 appears on the Cover of Dalton!

4/23/21. Shannon's paper on AuTtPn phases appears on the Cover of Chem. Europ. J.!

4/22/21. Nethmi received academic achievement and undergraduate research awards!

4/16/21. Congratulations Dr. Colin P. Harmer! Good luck at Baltimore.

3/29/21. Congratulations Dr. Shannon Jose Lee! Good luck at Brookhaven.

3/30/21. Georgiy, Justin, and Gayatri's paper on LnSiP3 is accepted to Dalton!

3/24/21. Nethmi was awarded 3rd place at the LAS Undergraduate Research Lightning Talks!

3/22/21. Phil's paper on novel layered Cu-Si pnictides is accepted to Inorg. Chem.!

2/1/21. Shannon's paper on square-planar Au compounds is accepted to Chem. Europ. J.!

1/15/21. Ernesto received MPS AGEP Graduate Research Supplement Felllowship!

1/25/21. Shannon's paper on non-centrosymmetric {Ru,Ir}-Si-P is accepted to Adv. Funct. Mater.!

1/7/21. Colin's paper on en intercalation into FeS is accepted to ACS Appl. Energy Mater.!

12/21/20. Nethmi received LAS Dean's High Impact Award for Undergraduate Research!

12/17/20. Georgiy's paper is accepted to special issue of ZAAC dedicated to Sven Lidin!

11/30/20. A collaborative review on future catalysts is accepted to Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev.!

11/12/20. Undergraduate student Victoria Kyveryga joined our group. Welcome!

11/6/20. Postdoctoral fellow Dinesh Amarasinghe joined our group. Welcome!

11/5/20. Our clathrates measured by O.I. Lebedev made it to STEM book Cover.

10/16/20. Kirill joined the International Editorial Board of ZAAC.

10/7/20. Gayatri received Cotton-Uphaus Award for Graduate Research. Congratulations!

10/5/20. Kirill recognized as reviewer for especially notable contribution to Inorg. Chem.

10/5/20. A collaborative paper on 1D materials self-assembly is accepted to PCCP!

9/16/20. Nethmi received Plagens Research Scholarship for the Fall 2020!

9/11/20. A team work with Korgel, Lebedev, and Kolen'ko, is accepted to Nanosc. Adv.!

9/8/20. Bryan's paper on giant Cs-{Zn/Cd}-Sb clathrates is accepted to Chem.Sci.!

9/7/20. Shannon became a Fellow of Preparing Future Faculty Program. Congratulations!

8/19/20. Very collaborative paper on a misbehaving clathrate is accepted to Chem. Mater.!

8/16/20. Many thanks to NSF CHE Chemical Catalysis program for supporting our research!

8/15/20. Eranga's paper on FeSe2 chain compound is accepted to Inorg. Chem.!

7/12/20. Graduate student Ernesto joins our group for summer rotation project!

7/1/20. Many thanks to NSF DMR SSMC program for supporting our research!

4/30/20. Justin's paper in ZAAC is among the top 10% most downloaded papers!

4/28/20. Justin's paper on GeAs2 is accepted to ACS Appl. Energy Mater.!

4/25/20. Bryan's paper in collab with Yu. Kolen'ko and D. Johnson is accepted to Chem. Sci.!

4/24/20. Nethmi received 2019/2020 Academic Achievement Award. Congratulations!

4/1/20. Congrats to Fellowships Awardees: Phil and Shannon (Research), Colin (Teaching)!

03/10/20. Juyeon joined the oldest US academic honor society, Phi Beta Kappa.

02/28/20. Jian and Phil's review on flux growth has been acepted to Frotiers in Chemistry!

02/11/20. Juyeon presented her research at LAS Undergraduate Research Fair!

01/28/20. Kirill can summon Cyclone with liquid nitrogen in Forever True Week!

01/27/20. Bryan and Jian's JACS paper on III-V clathrates has been highlighted in C&EN News!

1/13/20. Jian's paper on copper-gold clathrates is accepted to J. Appl. Phys.!

1/9/20. Justin's paper on novel Li-Si-As phases is accepted to J. Mater. Chem. A!

1/2/20. Bryan and Jian's paper on III-V clathrates is accepted to JACS!

1/1/20. Bryan's paper on 111 antimonides is accepted to the special issue of ZAAC.

12/13/19. Nethmi received Plagens Research Scholarship for the Spring 2020!

12/1/19. Juyeon received LAS Dean's High Impact Award for Undergraduate Research!

11/21/19. Congratulations Dr. Justin Mark! Ganbatte kudasai at NIMS.

11/15/18. Graduate students Utsav and Seongyoung join the group. Welcome!

9/17/19. Jian's review on Mg pnictides is accepted by Chem. Mater.

9/12/19. Georgiy has been selected as Ames Laboratory's 2019 Spedding Fellow.

8/19/19. Prior to depature to Wichita, Jian challenged us with a number puzzle.

8/6/19. Katherine's paper on borophosphides is accepted by JACS. Congratulations!

7/30/19. Bryan's story regarding metal flux studies at SNS is featured by ORNL.

7/5/19. Justin's paper on new SHG material is accepted by JACS. Congratulations!

6/20/19. 50 Years of Solid State Chemistry Issue of JSSC Edited by Kirill is out.

6/1/19. Congratulations Dr. Bryan Owens-Baird! Good luck in future endeavors.

5/27/19. Philip have been appointed a 2019-2020 STEM Chateaubriand Fellow.

5/20/19. Jian accepted Assistant Professor position at Wichita State University!

5/15/19. Congrats to Brennan, Bingheng, Zhengyang, and Scott with B.S. degree!

5/16/19. Jian received Postdoctoral Scholar Research Excellence Award!

5/14/19. Shannon's paper is accepted by J. Solid State Chem. Congratulations!

5/7/19. Georgiy's paper on dodecaborides led by Ric Kaner (UCLA) is accepted by JACS.

4/20/19. Juyeon received Summer Undergraduate Research Scholarships. Congratulations!

4/15/19. Colin is accepted to X-ray/neutron scattering APS/ORNL summer school.

4/15/19. Justin and Shannon received Teaching Excellence Scholarships. Congratulations!

4/15/19. Shannon, Justin, Phil, Colin, and Bryan received Graduate Research Scholarships!

4/11/19. Our joint paper with Yury Kolen'ko is accepted by Int. J. Hydr. Energy.

4/8/19. Bryan's paper in collaboration with Yury Kolen'ko is accepted by Chem. Mater.

3/22/19. Georgiy received an ACS DIC Young Investigator Award. Congratulations!

3/22/19. Katherine's paper is accepted for publication in Inorg. Chem. Congratulations!

3/18/19. Justin's paper is accepted for publication in Chem. Europ. J. Congratulations!

1/9/19. Julianna's and Justin's paper is accepted for publication in Mater. Congratulations!

1/6/19. Our joint paper on CuInSe2 appears on Cover of Chem. Mater.!

1/4/19. Justin and Eranga received Arthur Hellwig Memorial Scholarships. Congratulations!

12/12/18. We are among ACS Emerging Investigators in Solid-State Inorganic Chemistry.

12/7/18. Joint paper with Yury Kolen'ko and Oleg Lebedev is accepted by Chem. Mater.

12/1/18. Graduate students Gayatri and Arka join the group. Welcome!

11/11/18. Brennan received Dean's High Impact Award for Undergraduate Research!

11/7/18. Joint paper with Yury Kolen'ko group on PbTe films is accepted by J. Phys. Chem. C.

11/5/17. Postoctoral Fellow Dr. Georgiy Akopov joins the group. Welcome!

10/28/18. Justin's paper is accepted for publication in ZAAC. Congratulations!

10/5/18. Bryan and Shannon received NASA Iowa Space Grant Consortium Fellowships!

8/31/18. Kirill joined the Editorial Board of Springer Nature Applied Sciences.

8/16/18. Congratulations Dr. Katherine Woo! First group PhD at Iowa State.

8/15/18. Our (PI: Corey Thompson, Purdue) Solid State Chem MRS Symposium is funded by NSF.

7/27/18. Katherine's and Jian's paper appeared on Frontispiece in Adv. Funct. Mater.

7/2/18. Our collaboration with David Carroll (Wake Forest) published in 2D Mater.

5/28/18. Kirill's and Jian's perspective is published in Nature Photonics!

6/15/18. A nice story by Iowa State LAS College regarding our discovery!

5/25/18. Jian's paper is accepted to Crystal Growth & Design. Congratulations!

4/20/18. Juli-Anna's paper is accepted to J. Solid State Chem. Congratulations!

4/18/18. Juli-Anna's paper is accepted to Chem. Mater. Congratulations!

4/13/18. Katherine's and Jian's paper is accepted to Adv. Funct. Mater. Congratulations!

4/11/18. Katherine and Bryan received Graduate Scholarships. Congratulations!

4/8/18. Brennan and Juyeon received Summer Undergraduate Research Scholarships!

4/5/18. Our collaboration with Xiangfeng Duan (UCLA) resulted in publication in Adv. Mater.

4/2/18. Jian's best clathrate paper is accepted to CHEM! Thanks to all co-authors.

4/2/18. Jian and Kirill contributed to a practical field guide to thermoelectrics.

3/22/18. Kirill received Chemistry of Materials Reviewer Excellence Award!

2/19/18. Jian's paper on new phonon glass compound is accepted by J. Mater. Chem. A!

2/14/18. Joint paper with Yury Kolen'ko group on Al-NiP OER catalyst is accepted by ACS Catal.

2/4/18. A former undergraduate, Dr. Joyce Pham moving to MPI CPfS for a postdoctoral stint!

1/26/18. Our work appears on Cover of Accounts of Chemical Research!

1/1/18. Katherine and Shannon story regarding NASA Felowship in the local news!

12/6/17. Jian's and Juli-Anna's paper is accepted for publication in Acc. Chem. Res.!

12/5/17. Graduate students Eranga and Philip join the group. Welcome!

11/30/17. Congratulations to Dr. Greenfield, the last but not the least Ph.D. from UC Davis!

11/21/17. Katherine and Shannon received NASA Iowa Space Grant Consortium Fellowships!

11/20/17. Bryan's review is accepted for publication in Chem. Europ. J. Congratuations!

9/28/17. Jian's paper is accepted for publication in Chem. Sci. Congratuations!

9/25/17. Bryan's paper appeared on the cover of Dalton Trans. Congratulations!

9/14/17. Kirill joined the Editorial Board of Journal of Solid State Chemistry.

8/27/17. After long review process Josh's paper is accepted to Chem. Mater.!

8/22/17. Bryan's paper is accepted for publication in Dalton Trans. Congratuations!

7/20/17. Our collaboration with Yury Kolen'ko's at INL resulted in publication in ACS Catal.!

6/22/17. Our collaboration with Sabyasachi Sen resulted in publication in Angew. Chem.!

6/12/17. Kirill has been named a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

6/10/17. Jian's paper is accepted for publication in Inorg. Chem. Congratuations!

Summer 2017. Kovnir Lab starts at Iowa State University!

Summer 2017. Kovnir Lab starts at Iowa State University!

Spring 2017. Kovnir Lab is relocating to Iowa State University!

6/15/17. Joe received UC Davis Undergraduate Travel Award. Congratulations!

2016-2017. ACS Student Chapter under Kirill's supervision received an Outstanding Award.

4/12/17. Jian received UC Davis Award for Excellence in Postdoctoral Research!

3/08/17. Kirill has been promoted to Associate Professor. Thanks to everyone who contributed!

2/23/17. Juli-Anna received Carnegie Science Postdoctoral Fellowship. Congratuations!

2/14/17. Juli-Anna's paper is accepted for publication in Chem. Sci. Congratuations!

1/30/17. Jian's paper is accepted for publication in Inorg. Chem. Front. Congratuations!

1/27/17. Juli-Anna's paper appeared on the cover of Angew. Chem. Congratulations!

1/19/17. Katherine received Best Talk Award at the Main Group Chemistry Symposium!

1/18/17. Our review is accepted for publication in Encyclop. Inorg. Bioinorg. Chem.!

1/5/17. Congratulations Dr. Dolyniuk Johnson! Good luck at Carnegie Institution for Science.

2015-2016. ACS Student Chapter under Kirill's supervision received a Commendable Award.

12/21/16. Juli-Anna's paper is accepted for publication in Angewandte Chemie!

12/7/16. Jian's paper is accepted for publication in Inorganic Chemistry. Congratulations!

11/30/16. Kovnir Lab completed UC Davis Green Lab program and is Gold certified.

11/8/16. Jili-Anna published an Editorial in Chem. Mater. Congratulations!

9/2/16. Jian's paper appeared on the cover of J. Solid State Chem. Congratulations!

8/22/16. Our Review is accepted for publication in Materials Science & Engineering R!

8/6/16. Juli-Anna's paper is accepted for publication in Materials. Congratulations!

6/26/16. Jian's paper is accepted for publication in J. Mater. Chem. A. Congratulations!

3/31/16. Juli-Anna received the Alfred H. and Marie E. Gibeling Fellowship. Congratulations!

6/17/16. Katherine's paper is accepted for publication in MRX. Congratulations!

6/7/16. Jian's paper is accepted for publication in Chem. Mater. Congratulations!

3/6/16. Kathy received an Outstanding Chemistry Dissertation Award.

3/6/16. Matt received Scholarship for Outstanding Performance in the Major. Congratulations!

5/24/16. Joe received Provost Undergraduate Fellowship. Congratulations!

5/21/16. Colin Unger received 1st prize Best Presentation Award on Larock symposium.

4/26/16. Kirill served as Guest Editor for Virtual Issue of Chemistry of Materials.

4/15/16. Undergraduate student Matthew Cheung joins the group. Welcome, Matthew!

3/31/16. Juli-Anna received the 2016 Iota Sigma Pi Anna Louise Hoffman Award. Congratulations!

3/17/16. Juli-Anna received an ACS DIC Young Investigator Award. Congratulations!

3/14/16. Josh received a UC Davis Dissertation Year Fellowship. Congratulations!

3/08/16. Kirill received the 2016-2017 UC Davis Faculty Development Award.

2/24/16. Juli-Anna and Katherine received Travel Awards to attend ACS Meeting in San Diego.

2/10/16. First Ph.D. from Kovnir Group: Congratulations Dr. Lee! Good luck at JPL.

1/5/16. Graduate students Shannon, Jackson, and Colin join the group. Welcome!

12/25/15. Jian's paper is accepted for publication in J. Solid State Chem. Congratulations!

12/15/15. NSF REU led by Annaliese Franz and Kirill is selected for funding.

12/9/15. Jian's paper is accepted for publication in Inorg. Chem. Front. Congratulations!

11/15/15. Undergraduate student Joe Mazzetti joins the group. Welcome, Joe!

11/01/15. Undergraduate student Joshua Chang joins the group. Welcome, Josh!

9/15/15. Josh's paper is accepted for publication in J. Solid State Chem. Congratulations!

9/13/15. Jian's paper is accepted for publication in J. Amer. Chem. Soc. Congratulations!

9/01/15. UCD faculty team led by Kirill received an NSF MRI for a single crystal diffractometer.

8/05/15. Jian's paper is accepted for publication in J. Mater. Chem. C. Congratulations!

7/31/15. Juli-Anna's paper is accepted for publication in Inorg. Chem. Congratulations!

7/30/15. Hamza succesfully completed YSP summer program in our lab.

6/24/15. Kathy received Best Poster Award at 46th Silicon Symposium. Congratulations!

6/19/15. Josh received a Peter Rock Graduate Fellowship. Congratulations!

6/03/15. Juli-Anna's and Jian's paper is accepted for publication in Chem. Mater. Congratulations!

5/25/15. Kathy received Poster Award at North American Solid State Chemistry Conference.

5/25/15. Josh and Kathy received four Departmental Graduate Awards. Congratulations!

5/25/15. Kathy received Advancing Science in America Scholarship. Congratulations!

5/01/15. Maverick and Michael presented posters on undergraduare conference.

4/03/15. Jian's paper is accepted for publication in ZAAC. Congratulations!

3/25/15. Juli-Anna's paper is accepted for publication in ZAAC. Congratulations!

2/21/15. Kathy's paper is accepted for publication in JACS. Congratulations!

2/1/15. Colin won Grand Prize in the IUCR video contest. Congratulations!

12/25/14. Juli-Anna received DOE Graduate Student Research Award. Congratulations!

12/17/14. Josh's paper is accepted for publication in Chem. Mater. Congratulations!

12/15/14. Graduate students Bryan and Justin join the group. Welcome!

12/10/14. High school student Colin Unger joins the group. Welcome, Colin!

11/30/14. Josh's paper is accepted for publication in Chem. Comm. Congratulations!

11/15/14. Kirill received ACS PRF grant to study metal borophosphides.

10/29/14. Josh received Chung Soo Yoo Award from the Pittsburgh Diffraction Society.

10/20/14. Kirill is selected as Emergent Investigator in solid state materials chemistry by ACS.

10/13/14. Jian's paper is accepted for publication in Inorg. Chem. Congratulations!

06/23/14. Summer students Max, Ali, and Nishad join the group. Welcome!

06/13/14. Congratulations to Sarah and Ryan who received Bachelor Degree!

05/01/14. Undergraduate Alexander Coffman joins the group. Welcome, Alex!

04/23/14. Kathy's paper is accepted for publication in JSSC. Congratulations!

04/07/14. Juli-Anna's paper is accepted for publication in Chem. Europ. J. Congratulations!

02/01/14. Josh's paper is accepted for publication in Inorg. Chem. Congratulations!

1/14/14. Postdoc Katharina Snyder joins the group. Welcome, Katharina!

1/10/14. Graduate student Katherine Woo joins the group. Welcome, Katherine!

1/8/14. Juli-Anna received ICDD Crystallography Scholarship. Congratulations!

01/02/14. Ryan received Provost Undergraduate Fellowship. Congratulations!

12/12/13. Kirill received American Chemical Society YCC Leadership Development Award.

12/03/13. Chongin's paper is accepted for publication in JACS. Congratulations!

10/25/13. Kathy recieved GAANN Graduate Fellowship. Congratulations!

10/01/13. Undergraduate Michael Chen joins the group. Welcome, Michael!

08/08/13. Maverick has completed ACS SEED Phase II program. Congratulations!

08/06/13. Juli-Anna's paper is accepted for publication in Crystals. Congratulations!

07/29/13. Our JACS paper has been highlighted in C&EN News. Congratulations!

07/15/13. Jian Wang joins the group as a Postdoctoral Fellow. Welcome, Jian!

07/17/13. James's paper is accepted for publication in JACS. Congratulations!

06/17/13. Congratulations to Chongih who has received Bachelor Degree!

5/23/13. James's and Kristin's papers are accepted for publication. Congratulations!