Zaikina Group


Fall 2017

Chem 502. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

(3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: CHEM 402; CHEM 331 recommended

Chemistry of the main group (s, p) and transition (d, f) metals. Structure, bonding, electronic spectra, and reaction mechanisms. Aspects of organometallic, solid state, bioinorganic, and nano chemistry.

Fall 2018

Chem 502. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

(3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: CHEM 402; CHEM 331 recommended

Chemistry of the main group (s, p) and transition (d, f) metals. Structure, bonding, electronic spectra, and reaction mechanisms. Aspects of organometallic, solid state, bioinorganic, and nano chemistry.

Spring 2019

Chem 178: General Chemistry 2.

Prereq: CHEM 177, CHEM 177L

Continuation of 177. Recommended for physical or biological science majors, chemical engineering majors, and all others intending to take 300-level chemistry courses.

Spring 2020

Chem 178: General Chemistry 2.

Prereq: CHEM 177, CHEM 177L

Continuation of 177. Recommended for physical or biological science majors, chemical engineering majors, and all others intending to take 300-level chemistry courses.

Fall 2020

Chem 502. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

(3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: CHEM 402; CHEM 331 recommended

Chemistry of the main group (s, p) and transition (d, f) metals. Structure, bonding, electronic spectra, and reaction mechanisms. Aspects of organometallic, solid state, bioinorganic, and nano chemistry.

Spring 2021

Chem 301: Inorganic Chemistry.

(2-0) Cr. 2. S. Prereq: CHEM 324

Atomic and molecular structure and bonding principles; molecular shapes and symmetry; acids and bases; solid-state structures and properties.

Fall 2021

Chem 502. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

(3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: CHEM 402; CHEM 331 recommended

Chemistry of the main group (s, p) and transition (d, f) metals. Structure, bonding, electronic spectra, and reaction mechanisms. Aspects of organometallic, solid state, bioinorganic, and nano chemistry.

Spring 2022

Chem 178: General Chemistry 2.

Prereq: CHEM 177, CHEM 177L

Continuation of 177. Recommended for physical or biological science majors, chemical engineering majors, and all others intending to take 300-level chemistry courses.

Fall 2022

Chem 178: General Chemistry 2.

Prereq: CHEM 177, CHEM 177L

Continuation of 177. Recommended for physical or biological science majors, chemical engineering majors, and all others intending to take 300-level chemistry courses.

Spring 2023

Chem 301: Inorganic Chemistry.

(2-0) Cr. 2. S. Prereq: CHEM 324

Atomic and molecular structure and bonding principles; molecular shapes and symmetry; acids and bases; solid-state structures and properties.

Fall 2023

Chem 178: General Chemistry 2.

Prereq: CHEM 177, CHEM 177L

Continuation of 177. Recommended for physical or biological science majors, chemical engineering majors, and all others intending to take 300-level chemistry courses.

Spring 2024

Chem 178: General Chemistry 2.

Prereq: CHEM 177, CHEM 177L

Continuation of 177. Recommended for physical or biological science majors, chemical engineering majors, and all others intending to take 300-level chemistry courses.

Fall 2024

Chem 178: General Chemistry 2.

Prereq: CHEM 177, CHEM 177L

Continuation of 177. Recommended for physical or biological science majors, chemical engineering majors, and all others intending to take 300-level chemistry courses.

Spring 2025 (scheduled)

Chem 178: General Chemistry 2.

Prereq: CHEM 177, CHEM 177L

Continuation of 177. Recommended for physical or biological science majors, chemical engineering majors, and all others intending to take 300-level chemistry courses.