Zaikina Group

ICON - Iowa Chemistry Outreach Network

ICON program aimed at creating short educational, yet entertaining videos to be posted on Chemistry Department YouTube channel and the Iowa State University Chemistry Department website.

The current collection includes short (6-10 min) video interviews with faculty with the questions topics ranging from research projects and collabotation to work-life balance, advisory style, and success strories from former graduate students. These videos provide initial information and intended to inititate discussion and questions from potential graduate and undergraduate students, interested in research opportunities in the Chemistry Department ISU.

This outreach activitiy is funded by National Science Foundation DMR-1944551 Career Award.

Video SOP / Safety Videos

We take lab safety seriously! Video SOP below are intended for a pre-training or refresher training, but are not a replacement for the written SOP or actual training in the lab.

Lab Safety Orientation

Carcinogen Safety

Vacuum Line Safety

Arc Welder Safety