People Associated with the Holme Group

This is who we are - including who we were...


  • Tom Holme, Morrill Professor of Chemistry
  • B.S. Chemistry and Physics, Loras College, Dubuque IA (1983)
  • Ph.D. Chemistry, Rice University (1987)
  • Postdocs: Hebrew University and University of Pennsylvania
  • Fulbright Scholar: University of Zambia
  • Assistant Professor: University of South Dakota (USD)
  • Associate Professor: University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee (UWM)
  • Visiting Professor: Ajou University, Suwon, South Korea
  • Click here for Abbreviated CV (PDF)
Dr.Thomas Holme

Postdoctoral Students

Cindy Luxford (2013-2015) B.S. Grand Valley State University; PhD Miami University (OH)
Allie Brandreit-Harshman (2014-2015) B.S. Saint Cloud State University; PhD Miami University (OH)
Jennifer Brigham (2013-2014 - HHMI Postdoc) B.S. Wittenberg University; PhD University of Washington
Kimberly Linenberger (2011 - 2013) B.S. Central Missouri State University; PhD Miami University (OH)
Jeffery Raker (2011 - 2013) B.S. Ohio Northern; M.A. Bowling Green University; PhD Purdue University
Mike Slade (2011 - 2013, HHMI postdoc) B.S. Emory University; PhD University of North Carolina
Mary Emenike (2010-11) B.S. Nazareth College; PhD Miami University (OH)
Megan Grunert (2010-11) B.S. Indianapolis University; PhD Purdue University
Jacob Schroeder (2009-10) B.S. South Dakota State University; PhD Iowa State University
Karen Knaus (2006-08) B.S., PhD Cleveland State University
John Picione (2005-07) B.S. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee; PhD University of Illinois - Chicago

Graduate Students

Current Student(s)

Morgan Clark (MS @ Iowa State (December 2022)- Analytical Chemistry) B.S. Texas A&M University
Emily King (MS @ Iowa State (April 2020)- Analytical Chemistry) B.S. Northern Michigan University
Annabelle Lolinco (MS @ Iowa State (April 2020) - Computational Chemistry) B.S. Fresno State University

Group Alumni

Jiwoo An (PhD @ Iowa State: 2015-2020) B.S. South Dakota State University; M.S. Iowa State University
John Baluyut (PhD @ Iowa State: 2012-2015) B.S. Univ. of the Philippines Los Banos; MS. University of Connecticut; M.S. Iowa State University
Heather Caruthers (PhD @ Iowa State: 2009-2012) B.S. Cedar Crest College; M.S. Iowa State University
Marsha Collins (PhD @ UWM: 2001-2005) B.S Bradley University; . M.S. UW-Milwaukee
Chamila DeSilva (PhD @ Iowa State: 2009 - 2014) B.S. University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Luke Fisher (PhD @ UWM: 1995-1999) B.S. Indiana University Northwest
Jack Polifka (MS @ Iowa State (Sep 2015 Defense) - Human Computer Interaciton(HCI)) PhD @ Iowa State (July 2021 Defense) - HCI) B.S. University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point
Anna Prisacari (MS @ Iowa State in Human Computer Interaction) B.S., M.A., St. Ambrose College
Jessica Reed (PhD @ Iowa State: 2011-2015) B.S University of Iowa; MS University of Iowa
Michael VerHaag (PhD @Iowa State, 2007-2012) B.S. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Angela (Manders) Cannon (M.S. @ USD: 1992-1994) B.S. Loras College (obtained PhD from Penn State)
Stanley Lubinga (M.S. @USD: 1990-1993) B.A. University of Zambia
Kristin Machut (M.S. @UWM; 2006-2008) B.S. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Current/Recent Undergraduate Students

Christina Kindle (Graduated Fall 2017) ChemEducation project Fall 2017
Eric Anderson (Graduated Spring 2015) ChemEducation project Fall 2013
Christine Thomas (Graduated Spring 2015) Computational project in 2013-14
Kimberly Galyean (Graduated Fall 2013) Working in industry in Illinois
Solomon Hughes (Graduated Spring 2012- ChemEducation) Working in industry in Colorado
Diana Merritt (Graduated Spring 2011 - Chemistry Education) Obtained MBA at the University of Kentucky, works for Humana

Other Collaborators and Visitors to the Lab

Prof. Jae-Ho Kim, Ajou University, Korea Faculty Exchange Partner - UW-Milwaukee (2000-2001)
Prof. Kristen Murphy, UW-Milwaukee Director of the Exams Insitute (Collaborator: 2005-present)
Prof. Chris Bauer, University of New Hampshire Theodore Ashford Fellow 2010-2011
Prof. Glen Loppnow, University of Alberta Sabbatical Visitor Spring 2018
Prof. Joseph Bariyanga, University of Hawaii - West Oahu Associate Director of the Exams Institute (2002 - 2005)
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