Domain-Based Education Research Database Glossary
Defined term: Words or phrases commonly used within pedagogical literature but infrequently encountered in other STEM articles that are expressly defined within a paper.
This term is also used when the definitions of certain words or phrases can be reasonably ascertained through context clues (e.g. Student think aloud interviews).
Undefined term: Words or phrases commonly used within pedagogical literature but infrequently encountered in other STEM articles that are not expressly defined within a paper.
Instead, the authors assume the reader is already familiar these terms.
Number of pages: Total number of pages in an article, counting citations but not counting cover pages (if applicable).
Evidence Based Instructional Practice (EBIP): A teaching method developed as a result of a pedagogical study.
Fidelity of implimentation: The extent to which a given innovation (such as an EBIP) is used in a course.
Flipped classroom/flipped instruction: A method of teaching where the majority of content deliverty occurs outside of the classroom often by prerecorded lectures. This approach allows students to use class time to practice material and ask questions.
Just-In-Time Teaching (JiTT): A pedagogical technique where students do homework-type assignments or quizzes shortly before class begins (no more than 24 hours) and the teacher modifies instruction during class to address concerns stemming from the class performance on the assignment.
Peer teaching/peer learning: A teaching method where students who have previously passed a class come back and act as additional instructors in a room, encouraging participation and effectively lowering student:instructor ratios.
Process Oriented Guided Inquirty Learning (POGIL): A teaching method where students work in groups to problem solve and draw conclusions in order to explore new material. This allows students to discover material themselves and aids in knowledge retention.
Rogers' Model: A theory of innovation adoption in a society. This is also known as the Diffusion of Innovation Model.
Student centered system: Instructional approaches that prioritize student collaboration and communication over traditional lecture. System Approach Framework (SAF): A framework that theorizes how individuals assess complex problems and work through them.
Teacher centered system: Traditional instruction where the content is delivered primarily through lectures or demonstrations. Student collaboration is rare in this system. $theme->drawFooter() ?>