Chats with Eminent Female Scientists (ChEFS) Initiative: (winter.public.iastate.edu/chefs-initiative) The purpose of this initiative is to post interviews with successful female science academics online. These interviews are meant to showcase successful women in science who can give tips to young women interested in pursuing an academic career. Currently, attrition of women in science continues at all stages along the academic track. Women make up 32% of the doctoral pool in chemistry, but only 18% of the tenure-track pool. In addition to providing personal testimonies, these women can give advice and tips on how a career in academic science is possible. We are currently in the process of finding good candidates for interviews. If you are interested in being interviewed for this initiative (or know somebody who might be interested), please send me an email (winter@iastate.edu).
Organic Chemistry Help! (Chemhelper.com). I am interested in using the web as a supplement to classroom instruction of content. I created chemhelper as a supplement for a sophomore organic chemistry class. The site contains common mechanisms, quizzes, and tutorials, as well as lab guides.
Undergraduate Research opportunities: I am a strong advocate and proud supporter of undergraduate research as an essential component of a well-rounded science education. One key difference between students in high school and those at a research university is that university students are actively participated in an enterprise that generates new knowledge. Becoming a part of a research team is an essential part of that education. 13 undergraduates, two community college students, and two high school student have performed research internships in my lab in the past few years. About 40% of these students have accomplished projects that have resulted in authorship on papers. Undergraduates who have participated in research in my lab have subsequently gone on to med school, dental school, and graduate school.
If you are an undergraduate interested in joining my group, send me a copy of your transcript and an explanation of what you hope to gain out of a research opportunity to winter@iastate.edu. Women and minorities, in particular, are highly encouraged to apply.
Supplement books and guides for sophomore organic chemistry. I have authored "Organic Chemistry 1 for Dummies" and, more recently, a companion workbook with problems. Additionally, I have edited a new edition of "Pushing Electrons" by Daniel Weeks, a classic supplement for learning how to understand reaction mechanisms.