
Creative and motivated researchers passionate about problems in modern biophysics are invited to apply to join our team. The candidates should hold a doctoral degree in either Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Computer Science or Applied math and also have extensive experience with scientific coding (C/C++/Python). To apply please send an email to Davit at potoyan [AT] iastate [dot] edu enclosing an academic CV and briefly describing relevant research experience, skills and interests.

PhD Students

We are looking to have theory oriented graduate and undergraduate students to join our team. Students who are currently enrolled at ISU and are interested in joining the group should first set up a meeting by sending an email to Davit: potoyan [AT] iastate [dot] edu.

Undergradute Students

We are looking forward to working with undergradute students from all disciplines and at all levels. Projects will be assigned according to interests, duration of stay and work hours. No previous experience with computational research is necessary. Curiosity and drive to learn new skills is all that is needed. Feel free to contact us weather you are interested in doing summer research project, semester-long research or undergradtuate thesis. Go Cyclones!